Relationship manager
Wanted: Contact person for churches and parishes on behalf of Stap Verder
Many Protestant churches and Roman Catholic parishes from the villages around Amsterdam support Stap Verder. A number of organizations and companies also support Stap Verder with word and deed.
They collect clothes and toiletries and food for visitors of Stap Verder.
They organize collections and, for example, give an amount to Stap further twice a year.
They pray during their church services and mass for the visitors of Stap Verder.
They provide volunteers who teach Dutch or drive to the clothing bank, or collect things from generous donors, or are financial advisors.
As a relationship manager you are contact person on behalf of Stap Verder with more than 50 churches and a dozen organizations and companies in the area.
Together with the coordinator and your colleague relationship manager, you have a meeting twice a year to see which churches and organizations we want to contact and how.
From Stap Verder or from home you call and email the organizations and parishes involved with the question whether they want to support Stap further this year (again) financially or with a collection in kind.
You offer them the opportunity to visit Stap Verder once, for an African meal, an excursion through the Bijlmer, a workshop for teenagers about migration, an evening intercultural bible study in their church on location, or another tailor-made program.
You email and calls the concerned churches if there are special calls for goods that certain visitors need in Stap Verder.
You send the prayers for visitors once a month to the churches that register for this.
You actively look for other organizations and churches and companies that would like to sponsor or otherwise support Stap further.
You keep the contact details in a relationship management system on the computer - we will of course update you in that.
What do we ask of you/you?
You/You are a networker who easily makes contact and has good written, oral and non-verbal communication skills. You have an excellent command of the Dutch language and find it a challenge to bring people into contact with Stap Verder and to involve them in our work.
What does the organization have to offer and what makes the work worthwhile:
A cozy and involved team of coordinators, pastors, interns and volunteers, who try to help people together to help in a pleasant way, good agreements, reimbursement of expenses if necessary, joint lunch on Wednesday. You come into contact with people from all kinds of cultures, languages and continents.
As a volunteer you are eligible for an expense allowance.
More information: Erika Feenstra, coordinator tel. 020-8457566/06-17223372
How to apply: We would like to receive your letter of application and curriculum vitae by letter or email attn. Erika Feenstra, coordinator, Hoogoord 187A 1102 CJ Amsterdam Zuidoost, erikafeenstra@stapverder.org