Contact info
Stap Verder, diaconal ecumenical center Zuidoost
Hoogoord 187A
1102 CJ Amsterdam Zuidoost
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
tel: 020-8457566
e-mail: erikafeenstra@stapverder.org
Your donation is welcome on account no.
NL59TRIO0390507687 in the name of the Pastoral Diaconal Center Bijlmermeer Foundation
By public transport
train or metro to Amsterdam Bijlmer-Arena station
walk down the escalators to the right into the shopping center (not the side of the Arena and the Pathe cinema)
on the square with the ING bank building on the right and the Lidl supermarket on the left, walk straight along the ING bank past Toys and Russ
at the end of that row of shops turn right at the Hema
walk under the road to the bike path
behind the construction site is the second part of the Hoogoord flat
in that flat in the second porch is Stap Verder, with a light box with logo above the door
after ringing the doorbell please close the door softly behind you, then we keep our neighbors friendly
By car
From Amsterdam: exit S111, Hoogoorddreef
From Utrecht:
A2 towards Amsterdam,
After 29 km take exit Ouderkerk aan de Amstel (exit 1)
After 400 m, turn left onto Burgemeester Stramanweg in the direction of Amsterdam Zuidoost
After 250 m keep right on Burgemeester Stramanweg
After 300 m, turn right onto Holterbergweg (S111)
After 450 m, turn left onto Hoogoorddreef
After 1.2 km, turn right onto Hoogoord
Drive around the corner and park in the Hofgeest garage, €1.40 per hour.

This is the front of our building!